Become a 1964 Society Member

1964 Society

Taking its name from the pivotal year that changed history with the passage of the Civil Rights Act, The Westside Future Fund 1964 Society embodies the same commitment to a sustained, collective effort to advance racial equity and economic justice.

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Join the 1964 Society: Membership is open to individuals, couples and family foundations contributing $10,000 or more in a calendar year. You can designate your gift for a specific program, or you can make it unrestricted for use in the area of greatest need.


Your investment will not only make a meaningful, measurable impact, as a 1964 Society member you will enjoy:

• An invitation to the annual private 1964 Society Members Reception

• Listing in the Westside Future Fund annual report

• Listing on the Donor Wall at the Westside Future Fund 970 Jefferson campus

• A subscription to the 1964 Society newsletter

• Opportunities to build strong connections with other like-minded donors

• Educational opportunities and bi-annual thought leadership events