Community Unity in Action: Volunteers Making a Difference in Historic Westside Neighborhoods

The WFF Volunteer Corps warmly welcomed a mix of familiar and fresh faces to our volunteer opportunities this June. It was a month filled with enthusiasm and dedication from individuals like Michael, Sidy, and Justin, who shared their experiences and motivations for actively participating in our organization’s initiatives.

Michael’s journey with WFF began when he discovered the organization online and decided to attend the Transform Westside Summit. This event proved to be an eye-opener for him, as he learned about the ongoing volunteer opportunities available in the community. The experience left an indelible mark on Michael, inspiring him to join our monthly Community Clean-Up. Reflecting on the pressing needs of the Atlanta community after living there for 37 years, Michael expressed his realization that action speaks louder than words.

“I drive by areas like this that need attention almost every day,” said Michael. “I think about it over and over again, about what needs to be done, and guess what the solution is: hands on. We can talk about it, think about it, but in the end, when it’s time for the rubber to meet the road, it’s time to take action.”

The monthly Community Clean-Up event offers volunteers a tangible opportunity to contribute to the revitalization of the Historic Westside neighborhoods. Participants actively clear trash, manage overgrowth in public spaces, sidewalks, and vacant properties. Sidy, who had been inspired by his first volunteering experience with his AT&T colleagues, eagerly joined the Community Clean-Up crew for the second time in June. Reflecting on his previous encounter, Sidy expressed his admiration for the organization’s dedication to making a tangible difference. 

“When I was here at the last volunteer event, I saw how hard the organization is working to physically make a difference in this community,” said Sidy. “I felt as though they need all of the help they can get, so I promised to come back any time they have a public volunteer event.”

Another familiar face at the Community Clean-Up was Justin Mah, a dedicated veteran member of the WFF Volunteer Corps. Justin has invested countless hours supporting our organization’s mission and remains committed to the cause. Justin’s love for the Westside, combined with his deep sense of community, led him to actively engage with the organization.

“Being a resident here, getting involved with my community and the Westside Future Fund, I feel like at least once a month joining these events is not a hard commitment,” said Justin. “The goal is that one day we won’t have to be out here doing these clean ups, but as long as we do, I’ll be out here.”

Westside Future Fund consistently hosts volunteer events throughout the Historic Westside community on a monthly basis. To explore how you can make a difference and find out about upcoming opportunities, we invite you to visit Together, we can create a brighter future for the Historic Westside neighborhoods.