Finding Home on the Westside: The Story of Dr. Kimberley Hundley

When Dr. Kimberley Hundley first came to Atlanta from Los Angeles, she knew she’d found home. She recalls visiting the city many times as a child with family, with extended familial roots in the South stretching from Mississippi, but it wasn’t until her return as a young adult attending school in the Atlanta University Center that she realized this was the place where she was meant to be.

She spent much of her young adulthood living in and walking the streets of the Historic Westside, first as an undergraduate student at Clark Atlanta University and later a two-time graduate student at the Interdenominational Theological Center. For years, she lived in the Beckwith Hall dorms on the school’s campus before later moving to the Cascade neighborhood and then back to a rental home near Morehouse College. 

Her education led her to serving the local community for much of her professional career, currently working on the campus of City of Refuge as a behavioral health specialist for House of Cherith working with women rescued from human trafficking. 

Dr. Hundley met all of the criteria to participate in Westside Future Fund’s (WFF) Home on the Westside program, having lived in, been educated in, and worked in the Historic Westside community. After undergoing homeowner education courses and meeting with various stakeholders in the homeownership process, she was able to close on her new forever home in August of 2023 – a beautiful two bedroom, one bathroom house on Proctor Street adjacent to Kathryn Johnston Memorial Park. 

The closing came at a difficult time in her life, having lost her mother in the weeks just prior. She initially was hesitant to move forward at the time given her recent loss, but when she first arrived at the home, it was clear to her that this moment was meant to be. The home was her mother’s favorite color – an awe-striking baby blue. 

As if the beautiful connection to her mother wasn’t reason enough, she was awarded roughly $95,000 in first-time homebuyer assistance through a number of programs led by local nonprofit programs including WFF and City of Refuge. 

At a time when home was most important, she found a home that embodied all of her needs in one. Now a few months into her time in her new home, she’s reflecting on all that went into her incredible achievement.

To learn more about WFF’s Home on the Westside visit here.

Building a Legacy: WFF’s Chief Real Estate Officer Discusses the Future of Affordable Housing in Atlanta’s Historic Westside

In August of 2023, Westside Future Fund (WFF) launched its Our Next Chapter campaign. The campaign has a goal to pair philanthropic dollars with capital from its Impact Fund and the addition of public grants to complete its housing targets. This includes:

  • 285 multifamily units, of which 185 will serve families at 60% Area Median Income (AMI) and less
  • 225 single-family homes with accompanying income-qualified down-payment assistance, and
  • Supporting the Anti-Displacement Tax Fund to help legacy resident homeowners stay in the community

As the year comes to a close, WFF’s Chief Real Estate Officer Rachel Carey shares what is on the horizon in the organization’s plans for the future of high-quality affordable housing in the Historic Westside.

Can you talk about how much of the groundwork for this has already begun and what projects the community will start to see underway in 2024?

We have been working toward these goals for years — since 2018 when we started acquiring properties. Since then, we have rehabbed eight apartment buildings and have built or rehabbed over 20 homes. We have already been working on the planning and design of several of the projects included in the Our Next Chapter campaign and will be starting some this year. One that I’m really excited about is the renovation of the Yellow Store at the intersection of James P. Brawley and Cameron Alexander Boulevard. Seeing this beautiful and historic building put back in service for the community is something we have been looking forward to for a long time.

Can you provide insights into the specific multifamily properties set to open in 2024, and how they align with WFF’s goals for equitable neighborhood revitalization?

In the beginning of 2024, we will be opening up 588 and 592 Paines Avenue, the last of our apartment rehabs. The 12 units will all have rents at 60% AMI or less, with 8 of them offering HomeFlex from Atlanta Housing. Then for the rest of 2024, we will be working on building three new apartment buildings totaling another 83 multifamily units. In all of our properties, we have a high percentage (at least 50%) of the apartments reserved for families at 60% AMI or less. We strive to build high-quality homes that are also in alignment with the Land Use Framework Plan and its design guidelines. That means preserving existing buildings with good bones, like 588-592 Paines, to honor the historic fabric of the neighborhoods, and designing new buildings with the look and feel that the community has said they want.

Building single-family homes is a crucial aspect of community development. How does the WFF plan to address affordability and inclusivity while balancing the economic challenges taking place in the U.S. such as inflation?

We know that increasing homeownership in the neighborhoods, particularly in English Avenue, is an important goal. And for us, ensuring that the homes are affordable to purchasers who meet our legacy guidelines is exceptionally important. We do this by selling at or below our cost to build them, providing down payment assistance to income-eligible purchasers, and marketing in the community to identify and work with our purchasers to meet their needs. It can be very difficult to buy a home these days, with high home prices and the highest interest rates in over 20 years. If you can’t make an all-cash offer or close quickly, you are likely to lose out on a home. I’m proud that we don’t work that way. We are intentional about selling homes to people who have ties to the community and being a patient partner in the purchasing process. And then, it feels like a real celebration when we get to sit at the closing table with someone who is thrilled to buy their first home and to be a new homeowner investing in the community.

WFF just celebrated a groundbreaking for a mixed-use development at 839 Joseph E. Boone, which will include 33 units of multifamily and 1200 square feet of retail space. It’s just one of many more exciting projects underway for the organization. Do you anticipate breaking ground on any more developments in 2024?

Yes, we do! We have two more new projects on Echo Street and Sunset Avenue that will be breaking ground in mid-2024. We are really excited to get these started—we’ve been working on them for a long time!

When WFF launched in 2014 the need to ensure affordable housing was clear but the approach to achieving that goal has taken some time to develop. What would you say are some key learnings from a real estate acquisition and development perspective, nearly a decade into this work?

A few big learnings. One is, if you don’t control the land you don’t control the outcome — this is what led us to begin acquiring property, which was not necessarily the plan when we started in 2014. Second is that partnership is everything. Our partnerships with the City, Invest Atlanta, Atlanta Housing, and other non-profit builders and developers are what enable us to deliver against our goals. Third is that you can’t do it all on your own. We are always tracking the collective progress in the neighborhoods — from projects by Quest, Integral, oaksATL, and others — it is through the sustained efforts of many that true impact is achieved.

Looking ahead to 2024, what challenges and opportunities do you anticipate, particularly in managing the diverse portfolio of multifamily properties, single-family homes, and special development projects on Atlanta’s historic Westside?

It is always a challenge to be operating on all fronts. Every single member of the WFF team is incredibly dedicated to ensuring that we are able to execute with excellence on all of these initiatives. I am excited to work with our team and all of our partners, to continue advancing plans for the campaign build-out. I look forward to sharing our plans with the community, to asking for their feedback and engagement as we progress, and to collaboratively problem-solve to keep moving the mission forward.

December Summit Recap: Trailblazing Leadership: A Dialogue with Roz Brewer

Neighborhood residents, faith leaders, heads of nonprofits and corporate executives gathered together at the December 15 Transform Westside Summit to hear from Roz Brewer, former chief executive officer of Walgreens Boot Alliance and former chair of the Spelman College Board of Trustees. The Summit provided a unique opportunity for the audience to engage with Roz, who shared insights into her remarkable journey and her commitment to marginalized communities and inclusive workplaces.

Attendees had the opportunity to share resources for the group’s collective efforts to improve the Westside. Rev. Dr. Neichelle R. Guidry, dean of Sisters Chapel at Spelman College, led the devotion.  John Ahmann, Westside Future Fund President and CEO, moderated the discussion.

Key Moments from the Conversation

Roz began by reflecting on her upbringing and the profound influence of her parents, George Gates and Sally Sty Gates, who migrated from the southeast to Detroit, Michigan and both worked in the auto industry. Raised in a family of five children, she emphasized the unwavering expectations her parents set for discipline and hard work. She recounted stories of her early years, highlighting the discipline instilled by her father’s encouragement to wake up early and the communal support she received from neighbors.

“My story is absolutely embraced in my parents and my upbringing. I can only tell my story if I talk about George Gates and Sally Sty Gates, my parents…Their expectations weren’t are you getting A’s or B’s they it was around discipline. We were the children that didn’t sleep past 6:30 a.m. My dad has this saying, ‘Do you know how long the white boy has been awake?’ He [believed] if you plan on getting ahead, you need to get up.”

Expressing her love for Atlanta, Roz, a Spelman College graduate, spoke about her decision to attend the college and the impact it had on her life. She credited Spelman for broadening her perspective on diversity within the Black community, shaping her into a well-rounded individual. Roz shared her experience as a student at Spelman and her commitment to giving back to the college, eventually becoming a trustee and chair of the board for 17 years.

“When I got to Spelman it helped me learn the diversity within the diversity because we are a broad breadth of people…Spelman exposed me to the world. Spelman is a place where you cannot leave there without developing your whole self because of sister accountability and you want to do well for your sisters and by them.”

The conversation delved into her corporate leadership roles at major companies, including Kimberly Clark, Walgreens and Starbucks. As the discussion shifted towards navigating predominantly white, male-dominated environments, Roz highlighted the importance of authenticity. She emphasized the need for women, especially in such environments, to resist assimilation, maintain self-awareness, and showcase their unique qualities. Roz stressed the significance of creating a vision, strategy and inspiring hope as a leader, fostering mutual respect and understanding.

“I didn’t feel good about myself until somebody would speak my name because you just want to be seen and heard. I didn’t need a big star on my forehead, I didn’t need anybody to come and bring me my coffee. I just wanted somebody to see that’s my work. I did it. I then began to get sponsorship from people who pulled me through, and I needed it.”

Addressing the challenges faced by women in male-dominated spaces, Roz encouraged them to persist, fight against assimilation, and seek spaces where they can be true to themselves. She underscored the value of self-awareness, both in understanding personal strengths and weaknesses and in building a support network. 

“I know it might be hard not to assimilate because you will likely be the only woman in the room and you might pick up skill sets, tactics and even speaking language that’s not your natural language just to fit in. Fight that fight and as best as you can look at your best qualities and try to bring them forward. And feel OK about it. And when they are rejected, which they will be rejected at some point, then you make the decision that ‘maybe this isn’t the right place for me’ and find your space. Because there is a space there for sure.”

Miss the event? Watch the full Transform Westside Summit on YouTube.

Spreading Holiday Cheer: WFF Volunteer Corps Wraps Up Season of Giving with Toy Distribution Event

Earlier this month, with the holiday season in full swing, Westside Future Fund’s Volunteer Corps brought the spirit of giving  to the organization’s 970 Jefferson headquarters, as they gathered for a holiday gift-wrapping extravaganza. Their collective efforts orchestrated the wrapping and distribution of hundreds of toys for children in need in Atlanta’s Historic Westside community.

Volunteers came from throughout the community, with one large group from LIIV Atlanta Church joining for what they call Second Serve Saturdays, an opportunity for their membership to support the local community through volunteerism. For Maureen, a member of the LIIV Atlanta congregation, it was an incredible opportunity to help those in need – and also learn a new skill in the process.

“Gift wrapping was uncharted territory for me, so this is a cool opportunity to learn how,” said Maureen. “It’s such a good environment to see all of these gifts and all of these people putting in this effort to ensure that children in need can celebrate the holidays the right way this season. It just feels like a blessing.”

Local business leaders and staff also came out with helping hands. Suna, an employee of Portal Innovations in Science Square located adjacent to English Avenue, saw an opportunity to help out the community she’s come to know and love. 

“I wanted to come out to get more involved with the community around here and see how I can be of assistance as well as how my company can contribute. There’s a lot of need for help, and with this turnout I believe we’re actually making an impact,” said Suna. “As more and more people come out for things like this, support for this community will only get bigger and bigger. I’m happy to be here to help drive momentum in that direction.”

This year, the WFF Volunteer Corps was joined by interns from WFF’s and its community partner Integrity Home Solutions internship program. These interns, ranging from ages 11 to 21, are employed by the two organizations thanks to a grant from Georgia Natural Gas as a part of the Mayor of Atlanta’s Year of the Youth program. The program intends to keep youth under the age of 25 engaged, employed, and off of the streets while learning job skills. 

Jonathan, a 16 year-old member of the current intern cohort, enjoys that his internship provides him the opportunity to give to the community in a way that leaves him fulfilled by his contributions and supports his work experience.

“I wanted to come out to help the community and make sure every kid gets a present this holiday. Being here makes me feel so much younger. I’m seeing toys I used to play with as a kid all the time,” said Jonathan. “This internship allows me to leave each day that I work knowing that I did something important, something that helps benefit the community.”

After a few hours of gift wrapping, families began to arrive to collect their gifts to go under the tree this year. Of the first to arrive were Tasha, Priscilla, and her daughter Destiny who’s sights are set on a L.O.L. Doll for Christmas this year. For Tasha, this event came at a crucial time for her and her family.

“This is a huge blessing for us. Times are a little tough right now. Christmas was going to be hard this year,” said Tasha.

This event is just one  of several that WFF hosts each year to support the Westside community during the holiday season. If you or someone you know would like to get involved, please visit

Westside Future Fund’s Chief Development Officer Shares Vision For “Our Next Chapter” Campaign In 2024

In August of 2023, Westside Future Fund launched its Our Next Chapter campaign with a goal to raise key philanthropic support to complete the organizations housing development targets it outline in 2017. As the year comes to a close, WFF’s Chief Development Officer Rochelle Reeder shares her vision for 2024 and explains how philanthropic partners help fuel the organization’s mission to advance a compassionate approach to equitable neighborhood revitalization.

Q: Can you provide an overview of the strategic priorities for WFF in 2024, particularly in the context of equitable neighborhood revitalization on the historic Westside in Atlanta? 

A: In 2024, our focus is on Our Next Chapter, and specifically meeting our fundraising targets so that we can truly build community on the historic Westside. We launched our capital campaign in August of this year to raise $55 million to help us unlock $45 million from our Impact Fund. With an additional $10 million in public grants, we will be able to provide a significant inventory of quality, affordable housing to support and enable legacy residents, and those with deep ties to the community, to remain on Atlanta’s Westside. 

Q: The Our Next Chapter capital campaign launched in August of this year; how do you plan to engage donors in 2024?  

A: We intend to build on the success of past campaigns by cultivating strong relationships with existing donors, exploring new partnerships, and implementing targeted stewardship efforts to sustain and increase support. 

Q: Regarding the “Our Next Chapter” capital campaign, what are the key objectives, and how does it align with WFF’s broader mission? 

A: At Westside Future Fund, our goal is to advance a compassionate approach to equitable neighborhood revitalization on the historic Westside. Over the years, we’ve made progress in so many key areas including additional greenspace, supporting area schools, and partnerships to positively impact the safety and security of the community. Our next chapter is focused on supporting these holistic efforts with quality affordable housing because we believe that families and future generations can’t enjoy these important neighborhood amenities without having access to housing.  

Q: How will we engage the local community in our fundraising efforts? 

A: Community engagement is a major priority for us. Our office, at 970 Jefferson St. NW, is in the historic Westside. We share our office footprint with dozens of other non-profit partners and see ourselves as a hub and resource for the community. In the new year, we intend to have more events with the residents we serve through our signature program Home on the Westside, and engage with community stakeholders to share more about our mission, progress, and ways that we can be a partner.  

Q: How do you envision measuring the success of the “Our Next Chapter” campaign, both in terms of fundraising goals and the impact on the community? 

A: Success will be measured not only by meeting fundraising targets but also by the tangible positive changes in the community. That will include the completion of funded projects, increased community engagement, and improved quality of life for residents on the historic Westside. 

Q: Are there opportunities for donors to contribute in ways beyond financial support, such as volunteering or offering in-kind donations to support our mission? 

A: Absolutely. In addition to financial contributions, we welcome donors to engage through volunteering, providing in-kind support, or contributing their expertise. Collaborative efforts enhance our impact and create a sense of shared responsibility for community revitalization. 

Q: As the Chief Development Officer, what excites you about this work and the year ahead? 

A: As the Chief Development Officer at Westside Future Fund, the prospect of making a tangible impact on the community is what fuels my excitement for the work ahead. The role presents a unique blend of strategic planning, partnership building, and resource mobilization. Collaborating with diverse stakeholders, including government entities, local businesses, and community members, provides an opportunity to create meaningful change. Fundraising takes on a purposeful dimension, with the challenge of securing resources translating into real-world improvements. The coming year holds the promise of executing strategic plans, expanding successful initiatives, and navigating the dynamic landscape of community development. The thrill lies not only in achieving measurable impact but also in the adaptability required to overcome challenges and contribute to the broader mission of Westside Future Fund. 


November Summit Recap: Georgia Institute of Technology and its Impact on the Historic Westside

Community members and business leaders attended the November 17 Transform Westside Summit for a glimpse into Georgia Tech’s dynamic role in community development, innovation, and inclusivity under President Dr. Angel Cabrera’s visionary leadership.  The event showcased the university’s commitment to creating positive change and fostering a collaborative and thriving community.

As always, the morning opened with connection and community building, where members of the audience shared resources they have for the group’s collective efforts to improve the Westside. Colette Haywood, Vine City legacy resident, community advocate and Home on the Westside resident, led the devotion. John Ahmann, Westside Future Fund President and CEO, moderated the discussion.

Key Moments from the Conversation

Dr. Cabrera highlighted the importance of community in fostering a sense of belonging. He emphasized Georgia Tech’s mission to develop leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition. As a first-generation college student, Dr. Cabrera shared his transformative experience at Georgia Tech, underscoring the university’s commitment to inclusivity.

Reflecting on his unexpected path to the presidency, Dr. Cabrera humorously admitted, “I was never even in the principal’s office, and now I live in it.” He stressed Georgia Tech’s dedication to its community, acknowledging the university’s responsibility to create value for its stakeholders.

The conversation delved into Georgia Tech’s strategic initiatives under Dr. Cabrera’s leadership. He highlighted the university’s focus on developing leaders equipped to drive positive change. He emphasized the importance of diversity, revealing plans to improve representation, especially among African-American students.

Dr. Cabrera shared insights into Georgia Tech’s physical expansion and its impact on Atlanta’s landscape. The success of Midtown’s transformation and the role of Georgia Tech in driving that change served as a testament to intentional planning. He  noted the need to break down physical barriers within the city to enhance connectivity.

He announced the unveiling of Science Square, a groundbreaking project developed in partnership with Trammell Crow. Aimed at establishing an innovation ecosystem for biomedical and health sciences, Science Square represents Georgia Tech’s commitment to retaining startups within the local community. The complex, including the Grace apartment building–named afterGrace Hamilton, the first African-American woman to be elected to the General Assembly in Georgia–seeks to create a vibrant, inclusive neighborhood with a focus on innovation, arts and technology.

Dr. Cabrera concluded with an exciting announcement about a future pedestrian and bicycle bridge, reinforcing the university’s commitment to bridging physical divides. The bridge will connect Science Square with the heart of the campus, promoting accessibility and community engagement.

Miss the event? Watch the full Transform Westside Summit on YouTube.

Westside Future Fund Partners with Hudson Grille to Distribute 1,500 Thanksgiving Meals to the Historic Westside

This Thanksgiving week, the Westside Future Fund Volunteer Program jumped into action to help individuals and families in our community get the full experience of the holiday by partnering with Hudson Grille to provide Thanksgiving meals to those in need. This occasion marks the fourth year of the partnership, this year providing over 1,500 meals with all of the essentials including turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole along with dessert and rolls. 

The team at Hudson Grille has been distributing Thanksgiving meals to the community for years according to Russ Adams, Director of Operations at Hudson Grille. It’s an integral part of who they are as a business, beginning the program at their inception in 1991 at their former Juniper Street location. It was in 2020 when challenges presented themselves as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that Adams had to rethink their strategy, which led him to approach Raquel Hudson, Director of Programs at Westside Future Fund. It was then that the two organizations birthed the current partnership that has continued ever since, one that Adams views as an amazing opportunity to make a difference.

“For me, doing stuff on Thanksgiving, it’s a time of reflection. We get so busy in our everyday lives and we see in front of us all of the time that there are people in need,” said Adams. “We are sometimes glutinous over the holidays, so when you take the time out to say ‘hey, maybe this one day or this one good deed can make a difference,’ it’s important because it gives you this appreciation for what you do after the fact with your family.”

This year, over 1,500 meals will be distributed over the two days prior to Thanksgiving Day – a significant increase from the 200 meals that were distributed in the first year of the partnership. The growth of the program speaks to the needs of the community that WFF serves, according to Hudson. 

“I’m having people calling me months ahead of time asking ‘hey, can I get on the list for this year,” said Hudson. “We come, we pick it up, and we deliver it to the door. It’s a great service to the community. It’s something they don’t normally have access to.” 

This year, the WFF Volunteer Corps and volunteers from Hudson Grille are joined by interns from WFF’s and its community partner Integrity Home Solutions internship program. These interns, ranging from ages 11 to 21, are employed by WFF and Integrity thanks to a grant from Georgia Natural Gas as a part of the Mayor of Atlanta’s Year of the Youth program. The program intends to keep youth under the age of 25 engaged, employed, and off of the streets while learning job skills. 

“Usually these interns are helping us with our community clean ups. They have all agreed on two Saturdays a month, but they also come in during their off time from school. They made over 175 phone calls to let people know what day their meals would be delivered,” said Hudson. “It was really nice to hear one of the interns say to me at the end of the day ‘I really got to work on my social skills.’ It’s great that they have small learnings from this opportunity, being able to interact with the public and being able to understand the process and how it works.”

For Anthony Slaton, a 17-year-old intern with Integrity Home Solutions and Westside Future Fund, the opportunity to participate in the program has been an incredible experience, one he expects to carry with him for years to come.

“I haven’t been here for that long, I’ve been here for like two months, and I can already say this is an amazing program to work for. These are very great people and very kind people,” said Slaton. “I love helping people. They help me stay focused and attend to my goals. I have really been trying to turn my life around, change from the person I was becoming and the circle I was hanging around. I want to become the greatest potential version of me.”

Not only are the youth of the community engaged in this event, so are the seniors. Linda Adams, a resident of the historic Westside for over 20 years, is participating as a volunteer for the third year in a row as a part of the local Westside Seniors on the Rise group that she founded four years ago. The group aims to support senior residents of the community through social events and essential resources. The holiday season can be especially difficult for some seniors, particularly those that lack family and often find themselves alone.

“They live by themselves and if the family members and friends are not around, they don’t cook and I just try to make sure they have something to eat, especially during the holidays,” said Adams. “Check with your neighbors, check on the people you know may be alone. Stay in touch with the seniors where you live.”

This incredible event is just the first of several that WFF will be participating in to support the community this holiday season. If you or someone you know would like to get involved, please visit

Westside Future Fund Celebrates Opening Of Three Multifamily Properties in English Avenue

Westside Future Fund (WFF) is celebrating a milestone in its creation of quality affordable housing units on the historic Westside with the opening of three of its multifamily properties in English Avenue.  These openings represent 21 new units of quality affordable housing in these neighborhoods. The 21 new high-quality affordable housing units are in addition to WFF’s existing portfolio of 181 units and represent over $30 million worth of investment in multifamily projects completed, and underway.

WFF is a place-based nonprofit dedicated to advancing a compassionate and equitable approach to neighborhood revitalization of five historic Westside neighborhoods: English Avenue, Vine City, Atlanta University Center, Ashview Heights, and Just Us. WFF’s signature program, Home on the Westside, enables residents with live, work, and learn connections to these neighborhoods to rent, buy, and retain high-quality affordable housing.

Each of the newly opened multifamily properties includes 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units in fully rehabbed existing buildings. The building sites were previously blighted and vacant. They have been renovated instead of torn down to preserve the historic character of the community.  Additionally, each property has an ADA-accessible unit. Rents for these apartments will serve people at 60 percent area median income (AMI) or less, and all of the projects will feature Homeflex project-based rental assistance from Atlanta Housing.

As a sponsor of the Westside Land Use Framework Plan, which was adopted unanimously by the Atlanta City Council in 2017, WFF seeks to create affordable housing to help rebuild the community. With all its housing development, WFF supports Mayor Dickens’ goal of building and preserving 20,000 affordable housing units in the city. WFF aligns with the administration’s commitment to “development without displacement” by prioritizing residents with key “live, work, and learn” connections to the historic Westside.

“Given our service footprint, and commitment to preserving quality affordable housing on the historic Westside, WFF has made significant investments in English Avenue and Vine City since 2018,” said John Ahmann, WFF’s President & CEO. “I’m excited to share our progress towards the needs of the community and Mayor Dickens’ vision for the future of our great city.”

The three multifamily properties are located at:

  • 356 James P. Brawley Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30314 (8 units)

  • 400 Paines Ave NW, Atlanta, GA 30314 (6 units)

  • 613 Echo St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 (7 units)

WFF is currently developing an additional 104 high-quality, affordable housing units, in both new construction projects and substantial project rehabs, throughout its service footprint.

WFF’s mission to advance a compassionate approach to equitable revitalization is achieved through the support of our philanthropic partners. The organization has launched Our Next Chapter, a capital fundraising campaign to accelerate its ability to create affordable housing for legacy and future residents of the historic Westside and to restore these storied neighborhoods as part of the fabric of Atlanta. Become a part of Our Next Chapter.

Westside Future Fund Receives $22,000 Grant From Bank of America Supporting Home On The Westside

Westside Future Fund (WFF) is grateful to Bank of America for naming our organization as one of its grant recipients. With an award of $22,000, we will continue our work to develop more quality affordable housing via our signature affordable housing program Home on the Westside. This program prioritizes legacy and future residents with live, work, and learn connections to the historic Westside. Its three service areas include single-family homeownershiprental housing, and property tax assistance for legacy residents.

As of 2023, WFF, and our Impact Fund, have enabled the creation and preservation of 646 completed multifamily units, 214 rental units, and another 121 units under development and scheduled for completion by 2025. We have also completed construction on and sold 35 homes and provided property tax assistance to 133 legacy residents to keep them in the historic Westside community.

As a place-based nonprofit advancing a compassionate approach to neighborhood revitalization, WFF understands that housing is critical to support a thriving community. A family that experiences housing insecurity can’t benefit from the amenities of any community, regardless of its resources.

“Partnering with WFF is vital to address affordable housing in Atlanta,” said Al McRae, president, Bank of America Atlanta. “These investments demonstrate our commitment to finding solutions and providing resources to help people succeed.”

WFF is inviting philanthropic partners to join Our Next Chapter. Visit here to learn more about our fundraising campaign.

Westside Future Fund Appoints Rochelle Reeder As New Chief Development Officer

Westside Future Fund (WFF), a non-profit organization dedicated to revitalizing Atlanta’s historic Westside neighborhoods, is proud to announce the appointment of its new Chief Development Officer, Rochelle Reeder. With nearly two decades of experience in development and fundraising, Rochelle brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for advocating on behalf of women, youth, education, and the community.

Her expertise lies in crafting results-driven strategic plans, building sustainable and robust donor relationships, motivating teams, and efficiently utilizing resources to exceed fundraising goals. Her impressive track record showcases her ability to establish strategic relationships, inspire forward-thinking teams, and maximize resources. Prior to joining WFF, Rochelle served in key development leadership roles at YR Media, Spelman College, Interdenominational Theological Center, and The Woodruff Arts Center.

Rochelle’s journey into philanthropy and development was deeply influenced by her parents, who instilled in her the values of giving back to the community. This early exposure to community service and the power of giving shaped her understanding of philanthropy as something accessible to everyone, regardless of the scale of their contributions. She carries forward her family’s tradition of community care, not just in her professional life but as an extension of her personal values. She possesses a passion and enthusiasm for social impact, driving her to maximize WFF’s efforts to identify new funding opportunities and amplify donor engagement.

 Reeder is dedicated to addressing critical social issues, including racial inequities and policy failures affecting marginalized communities. Her strategic evolution focuses on expanding WFF’s platform and programming, increasing the organization’s local presence, and deepening its mission-critical services – including  WFF’s signature quality affordable housing program Home on the Westside, which has three service areas: single-family homeownership, rental housing, and property tax assistance for legacy residents.

Reeder will lead the organization’s capital fundraising campaign Our Next Chapter, which aims to raise $55 million to complete the affordable housing development targets established by WFF in 2017.

You can learn more about WFF’s Our Next Chapter campaign here.