Summit Spotlight: Vine City’s Hattie Pollard
This month our spotlight Summit attendee is Ms. Hattie Pollard. A Vine City resident of more than 40 years, Ms. Pollard shares memories of what it was like raising a family on the Westside and her hope for the future of the community.
When did you first move to the Westside?
We moved here in 1969. The children were beginning to grow up. We moved here from the Perry Homes area to Vine City—to a house and it had a yard. We were so happy it had a big backyard, a green backyard. We moved here with four girls and three boys.
What was it like raising a family with seven children in the Westside?
We had good times and we had bad times. I’ll tell you one thing; my husband was a working man, he was a provider. Family is so important…I was just blessed with a husband and a father and a provider. And we both strived for our children to have a better life. We had rules, and we had regulations we asked of our children. And we not only told them what to do, but we exemplified that ourselves.
What’s one of your fondest memories of living on the Westside?
We were happy when we moved here in ’69…the happiest memory is the kids coming out of school. We’d always have a function, a big family gathering on holidays; we’d gather up here and have a cookout with all the family…the happiest memories were when we all were here together, gathering here taking pictures, eating, and fellowshipping with one another.
How did you first hear about the Summits?
It was last year at a [community] meeting I went to; they were talking about grants for seniors to fix up their houses. Quite naturally we heard about Mr. Blank wanting to build another stadium and this community was going to be revitalized.
What have you enjoyed about attending the Summits?
Well, you learn something every time you go! I see the young people coming in, and I’m so proud of that…I can see the enthusiasm and intelligence that the young people bring — new ideas.
What is your hope for the Westside?
Communities where children can play, where you can walk and just be neighbors like we always have been; knowing everybody in the neighborhood. Sharing and caring. It’s a beautiful community…everybody caring for one another, that’s what I pray for.

Want to join Ms. Pollard at our next Transform Westside Summit? Click here to register for Sept. 15 event.
Want to see more of our Westside Community T-Shirt pledges? Click here to view the full album from our Sept. 1 Summit.