News: Atlanta City Council Approves English Avenue Special Public Interest District, SPI-3
On February 3rd, Atlanta City Council officially approved the English Avenue Special Public Interest District, SPI-3, which codifies zoning and design standards outlined by the Westside Land Use Framework Plan (adopted 2017).
This long-awaited approval concludes an extensive 3 1⁄2 year process driven by neighborhood leadership and aided by urban planning experts. The SPI District designation will ensure that future development follows the zoning, permitted uses, and basic design guidelines voted on by the community which work to protect the character and culture of the neighborhood.
Sponsored by Westside Future Fund, City of Atlanta and Chick-fil-A Foundation, the Westside Land Use Framework Plan is a design and implementation strategy for the equitable revitalization of the historic Westside neighborhoods of English Avenue, Vine City, Ashview Heights, Atlanta University Center, Booker T. Washington and Just Us.
Read more about the Westside Land Use Framework Plan