Taking Ownership of Your Nutrition: Historic Westside Gardens
The October 2nd Virtual Transform Westside Summit featured an interview with Rosario Hernandez, Deputy Executive Director of the Historic Westside Gardens. Hernandez highlights the initiative to bring fresh, inexpensive food closer to home for Westside residents through urban farming.
Rosario Hernandez, Deputy Executive Director of the Historic Westside Gardens
Hernandez takes a “boots on the ground” approach as Deputy Executive Director, helping the Westside to thrive as opposed to survive, as part of the mission of the Historic Westside Gardens is “to enhance the wellness of the Westside through food gardens.” By teaching families how to take their nutritional health into their own hands, Historic Westside Gardens provides participants with priceless farming experience and expertise. For more information or to volunteer, check out their website or Facebook page.
View Rosario Hernandez’s full interview below.